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by pbwalker
Fri Aug 13, 2010 10:30 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky!!
Replies: 50
Views: 5802

Re: Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky!!

srothstein wrote:
pbwalker wrote:Yeah, I'd really love a job where I can break the law and get away with it! :thumbs2:
Most major cities and even DPS are still hiring! :lol: Every job needs a few perks. My favorite joke used to be that I not only did not get ticketed for driving 100 mph on loop 410, but I got paid for it.
:smilelol5: :smilelol5:
by pbwalker
Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:28 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky!!
Replies: 50
Views: 5802

Re: Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky!!

Fangs wrote:
glbedd53 wrote:I've had one ticket in the last 30 or so years and it was a fluke. But no I don't thank them for giving me a ticket. My cop buddies just hang their badge out the window when they get pulled over, so no, I'm not gonna thank them for giving me a ticket.
That generally works for Fire and EMS as well, though the ones I know "accidentally" display their credentials as they're "trying to find" their TDL.

Doesn't really bother me, every job has its perks.
Yeah, I'd really love a job where I can break the law and get away with it! :thumbs2:
by pbwalker
Thu Jul 15, 2010 8:44 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky!!
Replies: 50
Views: 5802

Re: Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky!!

USA1 wrote: I'm usually the guy riding the brakes while the other cars zoom around and get popped. ;-)
You got room for one more in that club? :rolll

I'm so mad about it...but it's my fault, so my anger is with myself. LEO was just doing his job.

I'm I the only one who says "Thank you!" when I get a ticket? Why am I thanking him for a $200 fine?!? :smilelol5:
by pbwalker
Thu Jul 15, 2010 7:56 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky!!
Replies: 50
Views: 5802

Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky!!

Well, I had my first chance to show my CHL to a LEO today. I took a different route in to work because I slept in a little bit (no one was going to be in, I took advantage). Two motorcycle cops sat at the bottom of a hill on the road outside of my subdivision. Perfect spot to catch people who weren't smart enough to ride their brakes. :lol:

Handed CHL, DL, and PoI to the Officer. I commented on his PDA that he was using to scan my license. He asked if I was carrying...I told him it was in the glove box (can't carry at work). He was very formal and gave me a ticket for 44 in a 30. I was pulled over by an officer standing in the road. There was no way to avoid it. haha

I got pulled over and got my ticket in under 3 minutes. That's service! "rlol"

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