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by pbwalker
Sun Feb 17, 2013 7:38 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: PC vs. Mac
Replies: 88
Views: 12331

Re: PC vs. Mac

E2P989 wrote:
magicglock wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:I have noticed that a lot of folks say a Mac is okay because it can be set up to boot as either a PC or a Mac? So a Mac is okay because it can act like a PC and it only costs three times as much to be able to get around to being a PC.

Hmmmmmm :headscratch

I think I'll keep the PC for 1/3 the price and not have to go through the transformation from Mac to PC.

Bye again! :leaving

Some folks accept change better than others. For those of you that hate Mac, stop using products that have done everything possible to copy the Mac platform. (Windows, Android, tablets)
Guess who MAC copied the mouse from? Windows. :smilelol5:
You're wrong. :tiphat:
by pbwalker
Sun Feb 17, 2013 7:30 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: PC vs. Mac
Replies: 88
Views: 12331

Re: PC vs. Mac

E2P989 wrote:
tbrown wrote:[ Image ]
That reminds me, my most liberal friends all have MACs. Though, iPhones are pretty evenly distributed among my friends (no liberal or conservative correlation).
and it's funny, but most (not all) people I run across who hate Macs just can't afford them. So they resort to Mac bashing. :smilelol5:

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