I'm not sure if you are being serious, or being sarcastic. In any event, I would actually say that sex DOES contribute to the story when the attacker and the victim are of the opposite sex. For example, if I read a story that says an attacker attacked a victim by punching the victim the face. If the attacker is a 220lb man and the victime is also a 220lb man, the sex does nothing to contribute to the story. If the attacker is a 220lb man and the victim is a 120lb woman, then the sex does contribute to the story because sex may dictate a different outcome in this report.aardwolf wrote:You know what's also disturbing? They mention sex as much as they mention race.
Additional features of an individual should be pointed out when those features potentially change the outcome or create an advantage/disadvantage for one of the subjects in a story. Disparity of sex, size, or number of attackers are factors that should be noted because they do contribute to a different outcome. However, race does not contribute to a different outcome in a criminal situation. If someone robbed a store, would the outcome have been different if the robber was white, black, hispanic, or asian?