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by LabRat
Sat Dec 01, 2012 11:47 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: 5 car pileup, not the ideal first contact.
Replies: 22
Views: 3993

Re: 5 car pileup, not the ideal first contact.

I had the same thing happen a few years back. The police issued "blue sheets" with driver info and insurance information only. It included a sketch of the scene; Car 1 here, Car 2 here, Car 3 here, a visual damage report on the vehicles...but that was about it.
No assignment of fault, even though it was a rear end collision; No one hurt (good thing) and no major damage.

The officer told me that since he didn't see the accident, he couldn't issue citations or assign fault.

It worked out OK for me in the end; but it took time.


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