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by israel67
Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:18 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)
Replies: 53
Views: 9505

Re: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)

Tactical_Texan_CHL wrote:Israel67, I think you may be our long lost brother! :thumbs2: I've got my friend who did the same thing looking for some paperwork on how to teach your first year and get your certification at the same time. I'll PM ya when I get it together. That was a great story about your nieces. They sound pretty lucky to have an uncle like you.
No, it is I who am fortunate to have them. Their father died in 2006, sadly and even in life was absent very often due to work commitments, and afterwards due to estrangement from their mother. I held both of them in my arms when they were barely hours old and frankly, fell completely in love. When they were growing up, they lived - quite literally - 25 yards from the house in which my parents and I lived, and so they spent as much time with us, as with their mother. Perhaps even more.

I was seventeen when the first was born; twenty when the younger came along, and in reality was more a brother or perhaps a father, than an uncle. Legally and biologically I am their uncle, but the relationship was so close that when they fell and hurt themselves, they would not call for their mother .. but for me.

They are ... my babies. And they mean more to me than anyone or anything on the face of this earth. More even than my own life.

I look forward to your PM. :)
by israel67
Wed Jun 04, 2008 12:14 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)
Replies: 53
Views: 9505

Re: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)

iratollah wrote:
israel67 wrote: Plus, being Brits, they are pretty anti-gun.
I never understood this, because I've always felt that Brits were genetically predisposed to handling smoothbores very, very well.

Well at least in Texas you can carry in shul. I even know of a few rebbes who carry.
Yeah, but in the UK we're taught that guns are 'evil'.

I'll be taking my Kimber to the Syna ... you can be sure of that. :)
by israel67
Wed Jun 04, 2008 12:07 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)
Replies: 53
Views: 9505

Re: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)

srothstein wrote:Well, while I can now certainly understand your decision for Amarillo, let me make a few other suggestions you might consider. If you pick one of the larger cities, it will be easier to find a job. Houston, the D/FW metroplex, and Austin are all growing economies right now, especially compared to the rest of the US. All three have large Jewish communities. There is a better chance, IMO, of finding a private school there that would be looking for a French teacher than in Amarillo.
I hear ya (how's that for an accent? ;-) ), and the thought had occurred to me. The Synagogue in Amarillo is reforme, as someone else mentioned and my Synagogue here is orthodox.
srothstein wrote:And, you might consider where your neice will go to school also. For example, Texas State University in San Marcos is probably one of the best schools for teachers in Texas. Being in Austin would put you near her there, and may even allow you to find a place she could share so you can help her get in school less expensively.
She wants to go to WT. Another factor is that no matter how much she and her sister mean to me, it's probably not a good idea to build my life around them. The elder girl wants to move to Austin, and although her sister wants to go to WT, who's to say that she and her husband won't move to NY or CA in a few years? And then I'll be all on my lonesome in Amarillo. I'm not going to marry, for reasons already outlined, so a big city would probably be a better idea, if for no other reason than being able to make friends.
srothstein wrote:Do you have a Master's degree where you might be able to get a job at the college itself?
I have what we term BAC+5 in France, which is probably equivalent to the first year of a PhD in the UK.
srothstein wrote:Either way, I look forward to seeing you get here. It sounds like you will fit right in - except for the accent.
Hehe ... y'all don't mean that... :woohoo
by israel67
Tue Jun 03, 2008 11:46 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)
Replies: 53
Views: 9505

Re: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)

PetrucciFan wrote:
iratollah wrote: Maybe I missed it earlier in this thread, why you gonna live in Armadillo? You want to grow Cadillacs?
Greybeard wrote:But a word of warning if the economy is down when ya get there: Don't buy "chopped beef" barbeque sandwiches anywhere that sells minnows. ;-)
Don't listen to them Israel!! Amarillo is great! but I must ask...why Amarillo of all places in Texas? Family? Don't get me wrong, I love living here, but I do wonder why someone from over seas would pick Amarillo? I'm surprised you've even heard of it!
A long story. Are you sitting comfortably? The year was 2004 when I was sent to Texas by my company (I wasn't teaching at that point), Nortel. They sent me to Dallas (Richardson), and to my surprise, I totally loved the place! At that time, I was living with the woman whom I call 'The One'. Back in France, she left me in 2005; that split almost cost me my life. Enough said about that ..

Anyway, there are wounds that never heal, as they say and that's one of them. She's been gone three years now, and I'm not over her. I never will be.

So then in April of this year, I got the chance to go back to Texas, this time to see family in Amarillo, specifically my two nieces whom I've mentioned on occasion, and who are the apples of my eye. The younger of the two, especially, is a darling. I stayed with her and her husband of barely three months, and we hung out, went to Roasters, Wal-Mart, they took me into a gunshop (Pro Guns 'n' Knives), etc. She was nine when she left Britain and is now 20. The moment when I saw her again after so long ... she and her husband walked into the house, she said hi to everyone else, and then literally threw herself into my arms. It was so beautiful ...

She said one of the most beautiful, touching things anyone ever has to me. She has a Texan accent, but as I've been speaking French now for 30 years and rarely speak English, my French is now native standard, but my UK accent is still 'uncontaminated'. I still sound British when I speak English. And I don't like it. And I told her this, and she said - and this was so sweet ! - she said, 'I love it. It soothes me. It reminds me of when I was a child ..'.

I had tears in my eyes when she said that to me.



I've been disillusioned with France for some time now, for reasons which you've all been able to read by now. So I thought, 'why not Texas??' My niece can't sponsor me as she's still British, and even if she had citizenship, I believe that the 'family relationship' has to be close like spouse/child or parent. So if I come to Texas, it's going to have to be through work.

Now why Amarillo and why not say, Austin?

Well obviously, my family is there and whilst I'm not close to my nieces' mother, I want to be near the girls. Plus the younger one wants to go to college to become a primary school teacher and she can't afford it. So I want to get a job there, get a little bit of money behind me and hopefully put her through college in say two years from now. Maybe three. The day she graduates will be one of the most incredible days of my life. I feel I will die of pride.

My nieces are what I call my 'surrogate children'. I so wanted to be a father, but for reasons which escape me, G-d has decided that it's not to be. Sure, I'm only 41 so you can say there's still time now, but I asked 'The One' to marry me, and she refused. Then she left. So I live alone now, and shall continue to do so. So those two girls are my 'surrogate daughters', and I want to be there for them to help financially (if I can), and to protect them (which I pray I never have to do). Plus, being Brits, they are pretty anti-gun. The elder of the two (24 years old) has already said she'll come shooting with me if I move over there, and I hope to convince the younger one to join us. Who knows, I might 'convert' them to the point where they get their CHL, eh ? At the same time, I don't intend to smother them. They have their own lives, and the younger girl's husband is from OK but lives in Texas, and is a really cool guy. Quiet, discreet, and very respectful towards her. It warms my heart to know that she's in good hands.

I turned 41 on the eve of flying back to Europe, and my niece did a birthday card on her PC for me and printed it out. She wrote, 'I hope you have some good memories to take back with you. I love you'

I mean ... what can you say to that?? I am blessed.

There you go. Sorry for the waffling.

As for the Big Texan, they took me there, and this dude from OK tried the 72oz thang ...


He failed. :anamatedbanana
by israel67
Tue Jun 03, 2008 11:09 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)
Replies: 53
Views: 9505

Re: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)

iratollah wrote:AFAIK, there is only one shul in Amarillo. They're reform and it appears that they have a day school. I don't know if it is a full K-12 school.
Yeah, this one ..?

A funny story surrounds that Syna. I decided to go there when I was in Amarillo. It was Pessa'h, and I set off on foot. As you know, no one walks in Texas. Anyway, I'm walking up Albert Street when this old red pickup screeches to a halt, and the door opens. The lady in the passenger seat asked me my name. I had the presence of mind to ask, 'erm .. why?' She told me I looked like her brother (!!). I said no, I'm on holiday and I'm from Europe. When I told her where I was walking to, they offered me a lift. So I got in.

When I got back and recounted the story to my niece, she was like, 'WHAT???? And you got into the car????? You could've been killed!!!'
iratollah wrote: Maybe I missed it earlier in this thread, why you gonna live in Armadillo? You want to grow Cadillacs?
Heh. Family.
by israel67
Mon Jun 02, 2008 1:19 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)
Replies: 53
Views: 9505

Re: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)

Venus Pax wrote:Private schools vary. Some require certification, and some don't.

Public schools are always looking for foreign language teachers, and they do require certification. They have been known to help teachers from foreign countries get here legally when the demand for qualified teachers gets high enough.
Ideally, a Jewish school.

Anyway, I've just finished correcting twenty-five essays, and I'm off to bed. I very much appreciate all the help and advice. Goodnight! :yawn
by israel67
Mon Jun 02, 2008 1:17 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)
Replies: 53
Views: 9505

Re: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)

Tactical_Texan_CHL wrote:You don't actually have to be certified for your first year of teaching in Texas. You'll have to go to meetings at the regional office, and then take the certification test after your first year. I don't know exactly how it works, but a friend of mine did that. He taught his first year without certification, and then got it. I can find out more info from him if you'd like. My wife may even know. She's a teacher as well, but she had her certification before she started. I'll ask her if she knows too. Just let me know and I'll find out all I can for you. If there's some literature or printed material, I could even package it up and send it to you if you'd like.
I would love that, man, and would owe you a very large beer, when I eventually get over there! Yes, please do let me know any information you find. Thanks again. :tiphat:
by israel67
Mon Jun 02, 2008 1:00 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)
Replies: 53
Views: 9505

Re: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)

DParker wrote:Also, certification can sometimes be deferred for a period of time.
Yup, these are the dudes who do all that...

What I'm waiting for now is money. Everything I earn right now is being ploughed into what may be my last vacation in Europe. A friend and I are doing Amsterdam on bicycles, and as he's poor, I'm lending him the money for a bike. So once the new term starts in September, that'll be when all of my my money gets saved, to pay for what I hope will be a Summer 2009 immigration to the Lone Star State. :txflag:
by israel67
Mon Jun 02, 2008 9:23 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)
Replies: 53
Views: 9505

Re: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)

Venus Pax wrote:What subject area are you getting certified to teach?
French, I hope. Y'all know any private schools that might be interested (certification only being (AFAIK) obligatory for public schools)?
by israel67
Sun May 25, 2008 10:24 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)
Replies: 53
Views: 9505

Re: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)

longtooth wrote:We here anxiously await your arrival.
Not half as anxiously as I, dude ... :txflag:
by israel67
Sat May 24, 2008 7:21 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)
Replies: 53
Views: 9505

Re: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)

wtchdr4011 wrote:Panhandle weather is hot in the summer, cold in the winter, and the most beautiful brown skies in the spring. "rlol"
LOL ... April was nice !

It was pleasant to take the family dog out into the yard at 4 am, and to be dressed in shorts and a light T-shirt. Plus I tan well.

Roll on fall 2009 !!
by israel67
Sat May 24, 2008 7:01 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)
Replies: 53
Views: 9505

Re: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)

wtchdr4011 wrote:
israel67 wrote:
dustyb wrote:I am about 2 hours south of Amarillo. Do buy a heavy coat, winters are cold up there.
Totally, I love cold weather!! Winter here in France is my favourite time, seriously. The wind is less attractive: we went to Cadillac Ranch, and ended up getting most of our paint back in our faces, such were the gales blowing at us. :eek6
by israel67
Thu May 22, 2008 8:32 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)
Replies: 53
Views: 9505

Re: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)

TommyGlock wrote:
israel67 wrote:
TommyGlock wrote:I'm surprised that noone else has told you, but coming from france and calling yourself a Texan ain't so simple. First, you will have to renounce your citizenship. Second, you will have to have a child born here. Third, you will have to wait for the end of a 40 year probationary period where you will be expected to be polite to every American you come into contact with. Good luck.
Thanks for the encouragement .. :biggrinjester:

Seriously, you can keep your citizenship from another country .. they abolished the requirement to renounce your initial citizenship a few years ago.

And I'm always polite, thanks to my father (G-d rest his soul) who was LEO for 27 years. :txflag:
I was just teasing you. I'm in Plano. I'd be glad to get together with you when you get here.
Hey, I was in Plano in 2004! Stayed at the Renaissance Hotel, and was working at Nortel's offices just around the corner. Next time I'll there, I'll let you know. :thumbs2:
by israel67
Thu May 22, 2008 8:31 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)
Replies: 53
Views: 9505

Re: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)

flintknapper wrote:You'll like this: :mrgreen:

LOL!!! Where do I sign ??? :clapping:
by israel67
Wed May 21, 2008 10:47 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)
Replies: 53
Views: 9505

Re: hi from a soon-to-be Texan (I hope!)

dustyb wrote:Welcome aboard. I hope you like it here. :txflag:
Thanks, I'm learning a lot every day. Prior to going to Texas for the first time in 2004 (Plano), I'd never even touched a handgun. Then when I was there in April of this year, I was helping family clear out a garage after the death of her husband. I knew the deceased had had guns, but thought they'd been taken away after his death. I stumbled across a semi-automatic pistol; no idea of the make. Thanks to having been lurking here for a few months, I was pretty happy with how I reacted. I pointed the weapon at the ground, right finger along the trigger guard, and I dropped the magazine. I then racked the slide and visually checked the chamber to make sure it was unloaded.

If I hadn't been lurking here, I might never have known to do that. I learned that even before getting my own gun!

Here in Europe, guns are ''evil'. You can't get a licence to have a gun for love nor money, and as for concealed carry: forget it, dude. If you're caught with a gun, you're going to prison, end of story.

At the same time, French cops swagger about with their Manhurin ...


... which to my untrained eye looks like a Sig of some sort. P229 ?

Anyway, my vision of a republic is one run by the people, for the people, and where all are equal. How can France claim to be a republic, when its citizens and residents are denied the right to defend themselves? If you're a police officer and you get attacked, you've got the equipment to fight back. If you're an average joe and you're attacked, too bad dude, 'cos Kansas is going bye-bye. :fire

It's not fair.

So yes, G-d willing I'll soon be a Texan-by-adoption. :txflag: I'm not coming there just to carry a gun, but it will be refreshing not to walk around in fear of being targeted by a druggie who wants your telephone (that you worked and paid for) to pay for an ounce of crack.

Who knows, I might even get to meet some of y'all. Anyone here in Amarillo?

I quite fancy a Kimber Gold Match ...


... but might change my mind before next year... and I've found a company that'll do me grips with the Star of David and the Star of Texas on each side. :anamatedbanana

'can't wait.

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