I own quite a few but rarely take them out of the safe. That said, I do not feel it puts anyone at a disadvantage anymore than any other gun. I don't want the guy who regularly practices with any gun to shoot at me.
I love having a knife with me. While I am mostly a Spyderco fan, I have not found any of their fixed blades all that exciting. I have a Half Face Blade Crow Jr. and really like it a lot.
It is better to only record when needed. Car cameras work the same way and have a manual turn on button, but are usually wired into the lights and siren to turn on when they do also. Unfortunately, that doesn't work for the body camera. Many body worn cameras are now linked to the in car camera and...
I don’t post much these days, but enjoy learning from you fine folks. As I read this thread I kept reciting a mantra, “just because you can doesn’t mean you should.”
We don't experience many false alarms, but when it has gone off at night...I reached up and turned the sirens off instead of using them to my advantage. I did this out of muscle memory and finally talked myself into letting the noise happen for two reasons: 1. If you turn it off too quickly it will ...
Good luck getting officers to understand the law if you refuse to ID only when you are lawfully detained (i.e. non-consentual or "Terry" stop with reasonable, articulable suspicion that a crime has been or is about to be committed). Some of them have a pretty good idea what the law is. I ...
MOST Cops know that the huge majority of people are good and want to be left alone. I've run into very few who choose not to respect those wishes. Problem is, it only takes one to royally screw things up for a lot of people. All too often, the rest close ranks and protect that one when they should ...
That is a harsh generalization. You are assuming "they" don't already do this. By they I'll assume (I realize what assuming can equal) you mean law enforcement in general which I know to be completely false. I've always respected and enjoyed shooting with you, but I'll say humbly that lum...
To be clear, a law enforcement agency that is threatening to make arrests for something that they know is not illegal is clearly in the wrong, and I would hope that numerous other laws prohibit this type of action. If I, as a "mere" citizen was to do the same, I would be looking at charge...
I moved to a small bifold wallet about two years ago and carry it in my front right pocket under my knife (Emerson Commander lately). It accomplished a few things: it doesn't fall out of my pocket, it isn't likely to be stolen from me, and it doesn't pull my pants down. I have carried a Glock 26 for...
Law Enforcement at a local level keep contacts with known/admitted street gang members and have the ability to flag them as such for their safety. It may cause some heartburn, but I want to know on the side of the road. I know the prison system classifies them by their tattoos, known affiliates, and...
Does anyone have experience either good or bad with the AK platform shotgun? I've read from many sources that the VEPR is an improvement over the earlier Saiga model.