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by jbirds1210
Mon Jul 09, 2007 11:30 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: How Often Do You Practice?
Replies: 30
Views: 4380

HighVelocity wrote:every single day I spend about an hour "day-dream-practice" at my desk with my eyes closed. Laugh if you want to but it has real value imho.

Dry-fire, about 4 hours a week if I think about it and live fire about 200 rounds a week not including what gets burned up at the 2-4 IDPA matches I shoot per month. I'd like to shoot a lot more but between life and ammo prices, I have to budget my time/money.
Almost my identical routine....I do a bit more live fire on a plate rack. Most of my mental practice is done in the evening and often at the reloading bench when powder is not yet part of the equation :grin:

I have learned much more from dry fire than I have from live. I try to shoot 3 IDPA matches per month when possible.

I pick up my gun and take a few sight pictures daily.

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