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by Excaliber
Mon Oct 02, 2023 7:17 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Pistol mounted optics questions
Replies: 23
Views: 33538

Re: Pistol mounted optics questions

I have several red (and green) reflex sights mounted on pistols, rifles, and a shotgun. I'm sold on their utility and speed of acquisition. That's why you're seeing them appearing very rapidly in LEO holsters.

I started out with a Trijicon RMR and then transitioned to Holosuns.

I use the plain dot reticle on them all (I find the circle and circle/dot too "busy" for my eyes).

My latest acquisition was the Vulcan model with the chevron surrounded by a very large circle that you don't see unless you aren't seeing the reticle. In that case the segment of the circle that you do see helps you immediately correct your hold to find the reticle.

I still use cowitnessed tritium iron sights on all my guns as well "just in case."

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