Excellent points, pedalman.pedalman wrote:We would probably help ourselves not to resort to this by not watching so many movies and TV shows that depict the good guy as a testosterone-filled gunslinger. In my opinion, this is how the mindset is instilled in us. The boob tube turns out to be a nonstop training video, and we don't even realize it.
Ever since I received my CHL, I constantly remind myself that the real world is not what Hollywood says it is. I am not Dirty Harry, and the truth is that good guys are NOT to be of that mold. Particularly, legally-armed civilians. I have a huge responsibility riding on my hip or in my pocket, and I must be mindful of that at all times.
Law enforcement officers receive extensive classroom and field training on how to manage violent incidents, and they get to practice and critique their techniques in real crises many times each year. The learning curve to acceptable competence is steep but relatively short, especially in the more active jurisdictions.
On the other hand, the only places most civilians get to see confrontations between good guys and bad guys is on either the big screen or the little screen. It's easy to lose sight of the fact that, except for security camera clips, these are not real incidents and are staged for dramatic effect, not for training value. What you see in the movies and in TV shows is most definitely not what will bring you home safely from a real incident. The effect of movie gunshots on actors bears not even a distant relationship to the effect of real world gunshots on bad guys. The language and tactics shown will get you only arrested if you're lucky, and killed if you're not. However, since they're the only behavior patterns most folks have been exposed to, they are what folks who have not been trained otherwise may well default to without realizing it, and this may well be a factor in how the OP managed the incident he described.
Violent incident management is not learned through TV, instinct, or osmosis. Those who truly want to learn how to act responsibly and effectively will make the effort to read and take training from authors and teachers who have been there and have done their homework to deliver high quality information to their students. Massad Ayoob, Jeff Cooper (now deceased), Clint Smith, Louis Awerbuck, and others of their caliber are the folks to seek out for reliable literature and training on how to protect yourself and yours and conduct yourself responsibly while armed.