Actually, it "came to this" a long time ago - it just recently hit home with you.PArrow wrote:I live not too far from where this happned, and drive through that area on a regular basis. While It's not a "nice" part of town I've never felt threatened there. Before this happened I only carried when I was going into areas I felt that I need it, now I carry all the time. Sad that it's coming to this...
Most citizens only hear about a tiny fraction of what goes on in their community, and they come to believe that's all there is. A couple of nights of ride alongs with the local PD would change that perception in a hurry.
During my LEO days, the most frequent lament I heard at serious crime scenes was "I never thought something like this could happen here." When you've heard that often enough in virtually every neighborhood in town, you start to get the real picture.
The reality is that there are no safe places. There are certainly places that are safer than others in that really bad things happen with less frequency there, but they still happen everywhere.
Carry 24/7 or guess right.