terryg wrote:It may be time for me to eat some crow - anybody got a good recipe?
I have argued here a few times for responsible (and intentional) gun ownership. For me, much of this centers around properly securing weapons when they are not on your direct person or otherwise under your control. This is particularly important to me if you have children of any age living in your home. I think quick access safes are a must unless you simply never have children in your home.
Personally, I have always also kept the loaded magazines in my quick access safe which is in the bottom cabinet of my nightstand. But now that I have been carrying more frequently, I am tempted to leave the extra mags in the top drawer of the night stand - for space (as I have a few pistols in there now) and convenience.
My girls are now teenagers, so there isn't much risk of them playing with the ammo or teething on it or any thing like that. What do you think? Am I hypocritically lowering my standards or acknowledging the changing risks in my home?
Not at all.
I can't think of any incidents where anyone shot themselves or anyone else with a loaded magazine.
The only potential downside I can think of is that if someone were to find those, it's not a stretch to figure out that where there are magazines there are guns nearby. If that connection would be a problem, you might want to make them a bit harder to find, but there's no need to keep them under lock and key.