I have to send my regrets on the party.
I came down with a nasty respiratory infection last night, and am basically nonfunctional this morning.
Rather than risk infecting everyone around me, I'm going to sit this one out.
My apologies to all for this last minute change.
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- Sat May 14, 2011 8:05 am
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: DFW Get-Together May 14th was a blast! Thanks all!
- Replies: 223
- Views: 33974
- Sun May 01, 2011 6:18 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: DFW Get-Together May 14th was a blast! Thanks all!
- Replies: 223
- Views: 33974
Re: Let's Party! DFW Get-Together May 14th (Taking headcount
They do on the rifle range. I've never had an issue on the pistol range.pnctar wrote:One more question ... was out at Alpine Shooting range yesterday and they do not allow any type of FMJ ammo. Does this range have the same restrictions?
- Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:49 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: DFW Get-Together May 14th was a blast! Thanks all!
- Replies: 223
- Views: 33974
Re: Let's Party! DFW Get-Together May 14th (Taking headcount
You might want to check with the range folks on what they will allow before trying to set up tables for show and tell, etc.Hoi Polloi wrote:Thanks for the update Griffen!! I can't wait to hear the group's input on restaurants. While you're all responding, will you please also respond to these, too?
-Excaliber and Andy have volunteered to work with people on grip, stance, and shooting technique during the help session. Anyone else who can help them? Anything different you can offer to help with?
-The help session is when we'll be shooting others' guns as well. Who has guns they'll allow others to shoot? If you have a gun others may shoot, do they have to have their own bullets or will you have a few (limit 2? 3? 5? per person) they can use with a suggested donation in the cup?
-Who has holsters and/or belts to show off? I'm thinking of setting these up at the end of the help session/beginning of the chat. Then we're all coming together, people can keep an eye on and talk about/help with their own holsters, and everyone has a chance to see the options. And then we're all together for the next activity, too. Input?
-Should we have a table where attendees can offer stuff for sale? Place business cards? That kind of thing? It would be set up for the end of the talk time as we transitioned into our own shooting.
-There was some difficulty last time with people running out of ammo because they didn't bring a sufficient amount to make it through the day. Will those with more experience please give a good guess on a suggested ammo count? Please break it up into a suggested number for each section (help section if you're getting shooting help, help section if you're primarily talking/shooting others' guns, shoot your own section, skeet time).
-What would you recommend people bring? Assume they don't know which end is the business end of the gun. They need a gun, ammo, range fee, eye and ear protection for everyone at the range (not just shooters) and will hopefully somehow be included in the head counts for the range and the restaurant before we go. What else?
There is a clubhouse in the office building that may be available, but I don't know if there's a fee for using it.
- Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:35 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: DFW Get-Together May 14th was a blast! Thanks all!
- Replies: 223
- Views: 33974
Re: Let's Party! DFW Get-Together May 14th (Taking headcount
I would be happy to help coach on the basics outlined above.Hoi Polloi wrote:Also, can I get some volunteers for the helping others part of the day?
-I know there is a request for help with basic grip, stance, and shooting techniques.
-I would like holster help yet again. If anyone has a bellyband that's on the smaller circumference side, I'd like to try that. (I've only been able to put my hands on ones that can go around me twice.) I don't think I'm going to like it, but I want to give it a whirl. Anyone who can bring holsters or offer a little holster help clinic would be greatly appreciated!
-Andy, do you want to do a skeet tutorial then or wait until after lunch?
- Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:27 am
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: DFW Get-Together May 14th was a blast! Thanks all!
- Replies: 223
- Views: 33974
Re: Let's Party! DFW Get-Together May 14th (Taking headcount
I vote for the Texas Bar & Grill.Hoi Polloi wrote:I just got a message from a lurker who'd like to be added to the count.![]()
Any opinions on the food?
We currently have the large open space of Mercado Juarez with its Mexican food or The Texas Bar and Grill which has an outdoor seating area along the banks of the mighty Las Colinas canal ala the San Antonio Riverwalk.
- Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:29 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: DFW Get-Together May 14th was a blast! Thanks all!
- Replies: 223
- Views: 33974
Re: Let's Party! DFW Get-Together May 14th (Taking headcount
Elm Fork has a couple of steel plate bays that allow man on man (or woman) competition under conditions that add a bit of stress to the performance. It might be fun to include this activity instead of limiting ourselves to the static range.
There is an extra cost for using both ranges.
There is an extra cost for using both ranges.
- Sun Apr 03, 2011 3:01 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: DFW Get-Together May 14th was a blast! Thanks all!
- Replies: 223
- Views: 33974
Re: DFW Spring 2011 Get-Together
I'm up for another range day - the last one was a lot of fun.
I'm flexible on the date - right now all the proposed dates are OK with me.
I'm flexible on the date - right now all the proposed dates are OK with me.