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by flynbenny
Sat May 09, 2009 1:13 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Ammo Shortage
Replies: 128
Views: 26543

Re: Ammo Shortage

Oldgringo wrote:
tfrazier wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:...I submit as proof the fact that WWB is selling today at Wally World for the same price it was selling for last year. Natchez is one of the folks gouging people. Not that I would deny them the American dream. If the manufacturers were doing this, the price increases would be the same at Wally World as it is Natchez. But it is not. Wally World isn't taking a hit on every box of ammo they sell. Wally World uses NO emotion when they price merchandise. they use a formula that uses the cost of the item to them. Every bit of that increase at Natchez is dealer profit.
This thread giveth the TFrazier an idea:
If this is an agreeable measure and what 03Lightningrocks says is true, why don't we start a price comparison thread so we can keep track of which shops take advantage of us during these lean times. When happy days are here again we can all give them a little taste of good old fashioned American boycott...

Good idea? Bad idea? Anti-capitalist? Would that be biting one of the hands that feeds us?

I like this idea. Like "my friend" John McCain frequently sorta' said, 'let's make the gougers famous'.
B&S Guns in Garland for one. A box of 50 umc 40SW 180gr FMJ $39.99, split from a 250 rd $76 wallyworld bulkpack no less. Box of 20 Speer Gold dot 40SW, $50. My local store in Euless is selling them for half of that price, and they aren't buying walmart ammo and rebagging it. Oh and they have plenty on their shelf.

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