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by jlangton
Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:01 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: I just don't understand
Replies: 30
Views: 3859

Re: I just don't understand

Purplehood wrote: I have no qualms about being polite with LEOs and I have always had a deep respect for them in general, but being asked to disarm after showing my CHL and while at my residence would just set my ticker off.
by jlangton
Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:57 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: I just don't understand
Replies: 30
Views: 3859

Re: I just don't understand

gigag04 wrote: Ummm...not all the CHL holders I have encountered are "law abiding, upstanding citizens." In the past 6 months i have personally dealt with three, and one went to jail for class A theft. I booked a unrelated CHL holder for a partner for DWI. I understand that I have a small sample size and that my numbers aren't indicative of the general population of CHLs, however, a CHL is not really an automatic good guy card in my opinion any more.

Not really sure how that officer's intelligence plays into this so....
C'mon,use some common sense here.
Just how many of those "bad" CHL holders have you dealt with on a call to their home for a vandalism report or similar with them being the "victim"?
I'll bet every one of them violated the law to begin with, which was why you were involved, so no-they're not a "certified good guy" at that point.
Asking me to disarm for simply filling out a report is an insult.

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