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by WaltherP99
Thu Dec 08, 2005 12:01 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: How About Open Carry
Replies: 46
Views: 10105

When I go to the grocery or to the mall I try my best to not display my firearm. When walking up to the grocery my flannel over shirt / coat blew open a couple of days ago and of course my firearm was exposed I made an attempt to pull it closed. Did someone see it most likely not; as most people are not looking for firearm or even looking at my waist. As a CHL holder I try to make every effort to conceal my firearm to keep within the law. But I also drive a Motorcycle and have had the bottom of my holster sticking out of the bottom of my vest when I lean forward at times and never been questioned. Even with LEO behind following me.

So at this point I think everyone has to make an effort to conceal it but there will be times when someone will see your firearm and if you don’t act weird then the people that see most likely won’t either. Though I do like the idea of a badge next to the firearm on the belt just for those situations such as the wind blowing or bending over, but have never heard of any badge type things and if they are allowed. But would be very interested.

Now at home I do open carry and I will go outside and get the newspaper. But this week has been unusual as I have had several contractors out for bids on Fence work. Now since the weather has been cold I wear my cover up flannel at home for comfort.. But my firearm is more on the side then in the back for easier reach. Two of the contractors have seen the firearm and never had a problem with it.. I can see their eyes gravitate to view it but have never said anything or got nervous.

But the last contractor that came over saw it and showed that he was very nervous.. Still no comment from him.. I suspect that all of these people think that I’m LEO but I have never been questioned.. It’s my property and I’m in Texas so I’m allowed to open carry at home and if the contractor has a problem with it then it’s his issue not mine.

As far as open carry in the malls and Grocery I do not think that is a very good idea as I agree there would be more 30.06 signs appear and limit my ability to protect myself and family.

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