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by hookem57
Sat Jun 28, 2008 11:05 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: March Applicants
Replies: 186
Views: 32288

Re: March Applicants

Greetings to all,
Another frustrated applicant.
Classroom and Proficiency Training............. 3-14-08
Application package forwarded to Texas DPS ...3-15-08
Received notice of unacceptable fingerprints....6-17-08 (I am 80yro)
Second fingerprint set sent in......................6-18-08

When I retired, my application for Social Security went smooth as glass, would that my state could do as good. This is a second filing, my first had lapsed. :oops: Such a helpless feeling-Calls, if you can get thru, aren't accurate . :banghead:
Well, back to the range, punch holes in targets! :fire

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