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by Mark F
Wed Aug 20, 2008 8:46 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Stay alert...potential situation last night
Replies: 32
Views: 6942

Re: Stay alert...potential situation last night


I don't believe anyone (including myself) claimed that you were being paranoid regarding this situation. In fact, I you were commended for your awareness and evasive actions. I firmly believe "if" other people were as observant as you were, there would be a lot less assults going on. With Texas CHL gaining popularity (it's up about 43% this year) there will be a whole lot less BG's trying the parkinglot assult gig.
by Mark F
Tue Aug 19, 2008 5:49 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Stay alert...potential situation last night
Replies: 32
Views: 6942

Re: Stay alert...potential situation last night

I believe everyone has done a fine job in providing excellent feedback regarding this topic.
by Mark F
Mon Aug 18, 2008 7:27 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Stay alert...potential situation last night
Replies: 32
Views: 6942

Re: Stay alert...potential situation last night

For what it's worth, I have practiced "situation awareness" all my life simply to avoid conflict. But like anything, a person can go too far. In my opinion, there is a fine line between situation awareness and paranoid. I do not encourage anyone to be paranoid... as this creates situations that don't really exist.

As in the event brought to light here. I was not there, nor do I have any idea what the circumstances were. However, as a "general rule" perpetrators try to use the element of surprize for an attack. That certainly wasn't the case here. ON THE OTHER HAND, ForTehNguyen saw something that appeared "not right" to him and he had ample opportunity to leave the situation without conflict. You simply can't do any better than this.

Remember what you learned in your CHL class... you normally have less than a second or two to defend yourself.
by Mark F
Mon Aug 18, 2008 6:38 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Stay alert...potential situation last night
Replies: 32
Views: 6942

Re: Stay alert...potential situation last night

I think ForTehNguyen did just fine. He acted on what "he perceived" as a potential threat and took evasive action. We should all be so fortunate.
by Mark F
Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:04 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Stay alert...potential situation last night
Replies: 32
Views: 6942

Re: Stay alert...potential situation last night

ForTehNguyen wrote:Left a sushi bar last night on westheimer with relatives, estimate the time was 10pm or so. Walking to our vehicle, I immediately see a lone Mexican male walking towards my vehicle at a decent pace, thru the parking lot not along the sidewalk. At first sighting he was about 50 yards from the vehicle, his walking path would've put him at my drivers side or rear drivers side door. This immediately made me suspicious, so i look in his direction a couple times to let him know that I knew he was there. Whole time I had my hand on my carry knife. Relatives getting in the car felt like a really long time. Around 15 yards or so everyone was in the car and I had the vehicle started, reverse gear, ready to gun the gas in case he tried anything. When he got around 10 yards of my vehicle he changed his walking path to the sidewalk. I spoke to my cousins this morning telling them about the whole thing and they noticed him too. What do y'all think?

I am new to this forum with just a couple posts. Just been lurking around while waiting for my CHL. Since Castle Doctrine law has changed I think I need to start carrying in my XD9 SC in my vehicle. Couldve been bad last night. Stay sharp
PLEASE, do not ask someone that WASN'T there to assess your Situational Awareness. It's your responcibility to observe, assess, and act on your own gut feeling. Absolutely NO ONE else can make that determination. This is the most critical part of your CHL class. You, and only you can assess a situation and take what action (if any) is necessary.

This is serious business, and human lives could be at stake here. Go back to your Texas Consealed Handgun Laws and selected Statutes, PC CH.9. Apply your assessed situation here and see how it fits. Only you can decide, and the law takes it from there...

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