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by OPossumTX
Mon Sep 01, 2008 5:18 pm
Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
Topic: mosin nagant...what a bang for your buck!
Replies: 33
Views: 5665

Re: mosin nagant...what a bang for your buck!

RiverRat wrote:Wonderful pic.

I gave one to my father in law for father's day. He carries it in his ranch truck. He has a 6th generation working cattle ranch outside of Mullins

I witnessed a new use for the surplus 180 gr stuff with him. He was installing an underground tank for fuel storage with a backhoe on one his back sections, and ran into a large bedrock he couldn't get a grip on with the bucket......he shot it with 5 rounds of the yellow tipped surplus ammo and chipped it enough to get a bite of it with the backhoe bucket.......5 shots shattered a hole as large as a basketball, a couple of feet deep in solid limestone.

Not much of a need for that here in downtown Austin, but still impressive.
They are also great for de-calciuming a well screen. The shallow wells my grandfather used to water his cows would calcium up the strainer or sand point at the bottom of the well and restrict the water flow. Just one shot with a Mosin-Nagant or Mauser would pop the crud off the cruddiest screen slicker than snot.

He was using blasting caps but was busting too many screens. Some one told him to use a .22LR to break the deposits off. That didn't work but I had a rust bucket $20 surplus rifle that did the job. Much cheaper and faster than having the well company pull the strainer and rework the well.

Back then surplus ammo was I think $6.00 a bag of a hundred rounds at Vicks in Galveston. I wonder what happened to that place.

Have FUN!

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