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- Mon Jan 17, 2011 2:07 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: I want to do business with other CHL's
- Replies: 52
- Views: 9933
Re: I want to do business with other CHL's
looking for licensed sprinkler system tech for repairs. DFW area, I need free quote and resonable rate/cost. Thanks.
- Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:47 am
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: I want to do business with other CHL's
- Replies: 52
- Views: 9933
Re: I want to do business with other CHL's
did yody say I am that person you are calling an idiot?HotLeadSolutions wrote:I am looking for a living room suite. Need a sofa and a love seat. Leather perferrably. While in the furiniture store today, the salesman had my business until he made a comment about gun ownership. (Stacy's Furniture on 75) His comment, "Why would any idiot feel the need to carry a gun all the time" Cost the store a rather large purchase.
That got me to thinking....Why not JUST do business with other CHL's or 2A supporters?
So here goes....If any one knows of a CHLer or 2A supporter with a furniture store...Please post it on this thread.
In the future I will also need an electrician, and an HVAC technician. I found someone for windows this weekend during the shoot and eat.
Lets keep the CHL 2A dollar in the gun friendly community as long as possible.