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by Beiruty
Wed Nov 15, 2017 2:30 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: TX: Sutherland Springs church 26 dead 20 injured in mass shooting
Replies: 342
Views: 93833

Re: TX: Sutherland Springs church 26 dead 20 injured in mass shooting

Jose_in_Dallas wrote:
BBYC wrote: ... wrong-gun/

During a question and answer session on NBC’s “Today” show, former vice president and rumored presidential 2020 contender Joe Biden said the hero who stopped the Texas church shooter earlier this month should not have been allowed to carry an AR-15.
There were 2 shooters, both armed with AR. Ex VP was more confusing than confusing himself. Who was he referring to when he said "the shooter..." And I did not like it anyways. Maybe the next question should be VP do your recommend to get out the shotgun!
by Beiruty
Mon Nov 06, 2017 9:03 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: TX: Sutherland Springs church 26 dead 20 injured in mass shooting
Replies: 342
Views: 93833

Re: TX: Sutherland Springs church 27 dead 30 injured in mass shooting

C-dub wrote:
howdy wrote:Who on this forum wants to get in a gunfight...handgun vs AR-15.
I doubt there is anyone that wants to volunteer for that. However, if that is the hand I'm dealt I will play it the best I can.
You have to do what you have to do... No iffs no buts. A handgun, can zip fire 10 rds in 5 secs. Anyone on the receiving side would be dazzled.

A competition style handgun can put a bullet at playing card sized target at 7-9 yards.
by Beiruty
Mon Nov 06, 2017 6:54 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: TX: Sutherland Springs church 26 dead 20 injured in mass shooting
Replies: 342
Views: 93833

Re: TX: Sutherland Springs church 27 dead 30 injured in mass shooting

1911 Raptor wrote:I just read a report on drudge and it says the shooter received a bad conduct discharge. I guess we still don’t know for sure what discharge he received.
Domestic Violence for beating his family
by Beiruty
Mon Nov 06, 2017 5:59 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: TX: Sutherland Springs church 26 dead 20 injured in mass shooting
Replies: 342
Views: 93833

Re: TX: Sutherland Springs church 27 dead 30 injured in mass shooting

Another sad "Supernova" incident.
from this article: ... 55639.html

The armed citizen who engaged the gunman killed him. The mass shooter was fleeing in his car, got shot and lost control of his car. The the armed citizen with his truck driver stayed 5 mins at scene until LEOs are arrived. The mass shooter was dead on the steering wheel. Anti-gunners can't spin facts at will.

Confirmation and fully story: ... hurch.html

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