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by John R. Fuller
Tue Jul 04, 2006 12:58 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Open Carry
Replies: 94
Views: 19033

Re: Big Baptist Bass in the Choir Loft:

longtooth wrote:
John R. Fuller wrote:
Long Tooth:
Thank you for your honesty. I must be honest about church. I sing in the choir and am front and center as I am a bass singer that is both big and loud. I am sure that many would notice the big .45 strapped to the big boy in the choir loft and would probably obcess more over that than what I hope they would be thinking about.

By the way, I am a Baptist that got that way after meeting my wife of fourteen years at Ouachita Baptist University in 1989. I was such a good Methodist, but after marrying my wife and finding a Baptist church where the choir could read and sing music from sheet music, I switched my place of worship.
My Sunday carry is a back pocket K-T 3AT. I have carried my .45 on Sunday also in a high threat time. Good School. East Tex Bapt Univ. here. 1985 - 1st graduating class at Univ. standing. Wish I could sing. Play guitar but can't sing much. Have a great day.
We have similar tastes in Sunday attire. I prefer my P32. It is just enough gun to qualify as better than rock throwing and not enough to make my pocket bulge.

Don't worry about singing ability :grin: , I've sung in church since I was 12 years old as a boy soprano. :o Over the years, I've not observed too many people that allow a lack of talent to prevent them from making a joyfull noise myself included on many occassions. :shock:

I don't know anyone that graduated from ETBU but we have the same mascot a Tiger. My proffessor of military science always asked me how it was going in the din of iniquity Methodist Church as I did push ups on Monday mornings. That was some of the most memorable times of my life. I would not trade it for the World. I remember when we at OBU considered Baylor to be a liberal school when they allowed dancing :shock: I still don't know how to dance, but it is a good excuse being Baptist and all. :grin: From your graduation date, you don't seem to be all that much older than I am. I graduated from OBU in 1992.
by John R. Fuller
Tue Jul 04, 2006 12:46 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Open Carry
Replies: 94
Views: 19033

Re: Big Baptist Bass in the Choir Loft:

KBCraig wrote:
John R. Fuller wrote:By the way, I am a Baptist that got that way after meeting my wife of fourteen years at Ouachita Baptist University in 1989.
Does that mean you're a reformed Reddie?


-- Wonderboy, 1981-85
I don't know what a Reddie is unless you are talking about the Rho Sig Fraternity. I shunned all fraternaties until I joined the Masons a few years ago.
by John R. Fuller
Mon Jul 03, 2006 3:39 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Open Carry
Replies: 94
Views: 19033

Big Baptist Bass in the Choir Loft:

longtooth wrote:Answers to John Fuller's Qs.
#1 - Yes. Self employed.
#2 - Undecided. Do carry concealed.
#3-5 YES, YES, YES.
Long Tooth:
Thank you for your honesty. As much as I would like the option of open carry, I think that I would probably limit myself a little more than the law. I must be honest about church. I sing in the choir and am front and center as I am a bass singer that is both big and loud. I am sure that many would notice the big .45 strapped to the big boy in the choir loft and would probably obcess more over that than what I hope they would be thinking about.

By the way, I am a Baptist that got that way after meeting my wife of fourteen years at Ouachita Baptist University in 1989. I was such a good Methodist, but after marrying my wife and finding a Baptist church where the choir could read and sing music from sheet music, I switched my place of worship.
by John R. Fuller
Sun Jul 02, 2006 11:06 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Open Carry
Replies: 94
Views: 19033

I am for open carry...

Personally, I think of all the places I go and where this would be practical. To illustrate my point, I will use the freedom of speech lesson. I am allowed to say anything I believe in while on my property or in a public place.

I am not allowed, however, to speak when that speech will cause a panic such as yelling fire in a crowded movie theater. Ask youself these questions...

1. Will you carry openly while at work?

2. Will you carry openly while at church?

3. Will you carry openly while shopping?

4. Will you carry openly while visiting friends and family?

5. Will you carry openly in theaters and eating establishments?

While I will embrace open carry and support it, I will probably still elect to carry concealed in some social and professional situations. I am a weld inspector at a structural steel assembly plant. I have plenty of room on my belt rig to open carry a pistol, but that would be short lived before my company would fire me for violating company policy about bringing weapons into the work place.

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