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by 9mmfan
Tue Feb 10, 2009 5:57 am
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Carry gun advice
Replies: 21
Views: 3800

Re: Carry gun advice

I would like to thank you all for your input. As time has unfolded, and events with it, I ended up using the Xmas bonus on an amplifier, and since I got it "blemished," had enough left over to get a new guitar as well. Then, as luck would have it, couple three weeks ago ended up selling the truck. Conversation @ the bar (I was working) gun-wise ended up 'bout .45's. I responded with "I don't have a .45. I want a .45." Happenstance being what it is, my couple months ago acquired GF was sitting next to my conversational companion, so I turn to her and inquire "can I get a .45?" Not that she would have any say-so due to the short tenure of our time-spending-together, but, to her credit, she replied "you are a grown man, do whatever you want." Long story short, she a buddy of mine and I went to the gun show that weekend, and having given up on the Springfield, was looking for the Kimber version, of which there was none, but found tucked away on a corner table, was the long drooled over Loaded Champion. The price seemed a little high, so I played it cool and walked away, but the bug was there, and after GF asked, I told her that the price I was looking for was from internet sites that didn't even have it in stock, she encouraged me to go back and get it. Which is what I wanted to do in the first place. Proudly own it now, and am looking forward to equipping myself to carry it with equal pride and a touch of style. GF even came out and shot it with me (after the .22, the .38 and one of the 9's, she has shot rifles and shotguns, but asked me to help her get better with handguns, and then even followed through. Dang, she might be a keeper). The only problem so far is timing to get ammo for it. Local shelves have been bare. Gonna have to order over the interweb. Only thing 'round this major metropolis is Wolf FMJ. To repeat, thank you all for your input, and am glad that patience paid off. If anyone really wants to see everything, will gladly post pics (gun, guitar and amp.) Just let me know. Happy and safe shooting to all my boardmates.
by 9mmfan
Fri Oct 10, 2008 4:49 am
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Carry gun advice
Replies: 21
Views: 3800

Re: Carry gun advice

I have shot a couple Glocks, and I just don't care for polymer guns. Along those lines, I have also shot a Springfield XD40, a Kahr CW9, and a couple others that buddies of mine have brought along on range trips. I do not doubt that they are wonderful firearms, and have read and heard all the glowing reports about the heroic indestructibility of the venerable Austrian pistol. They have my respect, but I just prefer an all metal sidearm. I even owned, and did a fair amount of shooting with a Taurus PT111, ended up giving it to my Mom. She likes it. With the utmost respect, I thank you, but am leaning towards tracking down the Loaded Champion. Though I will agree with the previous reply that I should know the heck out of my Kahr in the interim, when that is what I will be carrying in the meantime. Who knows, maybe it will retain a spot in my teensy collection. When the zombies come, I would hate to go down for lack of firing back. If said zombies are armed, uh, well, you know what I mean. Good night all.
by 9mmfan
Fri Oct 03, 2008 5:04 am
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Carry gun advice
Replies: 21
Views: 3800

Re: Carry gun advice

Think I am leaning towards the Loaded Champion, as the EMP seems like a lot of money for a gun that I would prolly have to order before being able to at least hold, much less shoot. Have shot the Champion briefly a few months ago, and hope to be able to do so in a couple weeks. Camping/shooting trip and all. Fellow camper has one. That will probably seal the deal. Though still leaning back towards the amp. Funny how money one has yet to receive can so ardently burn a hole in one's pocket. Getting off of my butt and solving some title problems with, and then selling, my truck would allow for both, with the possibility of a new, or used, guitar to go with the amp, and then.... Woo Hoo! High cotton! Anyways, since you are certainly all waiting on the edge of your seats as to how little old me deals with the prospect of some expected disposable income, I will certainly keep you posted. Anyone feels like telling me to finally be an adult and bank said money for a rainy day, please do so. That will go a looooooooooooooong way. Ant and grasshopper thing and all. That said, it is late, and should get to bed, as long shift tomorrow. Thanks all for listening. Or reading. You know what I mean.
by 9mmfan
Tue Sep 30, 2008 3:08 am
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Carry gun advice
Replies: 21
Views: 3800

Re: Carry gun advice

Thanx for all the info. I do apologize for the length of time that has passed, but my job keeps me busy. That said, much drooling over the Springfield Loaded Champion, as well as the EMP. Though availability could present a problem on both. Have talked myself out of how expensive they both are, with leaning towards the Loaded Champion for said reason, with the added machismo of .45. Compromise being capacity and all ... 53&t=18971#" onclick=";return false; . Though this leans me towards the CZ 75 Compact. Again, cocked and locked. Sorry, Mr. 72, when I was first in college, bought a Silverface Super Reverb for $425. Been looking for that sort of thing ever since. Nothing like the swampy full-on Fender reverb, with the possibility of the machine-gun stutter of the vibrato (tremelo?) of those amps. Think "How Soon Is Now" by The Smiths. Sadly, the Super Reverb goes for thrice that amount nowadays. Sorry to venture off-topic, but that is how the conversation unfolded.
by 9mmfan
Tue Sep 23, 2008 3:31 am
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Carry gun advice
Replies: 21
Views: 3800

Carry gun advice

I currently carry a Kahr K9. As you all will no doubt notice, I am a fan of 9mm. The ammo is cheap, leading to more practice, and (at least with the Beretta) I can lay them down fairly fast with reasonable accuracy, though granted, at a static range session. The problem is I am having a little difficulty becoming accustomed to the Kahr trigger. Most of the guns I have shot with regularity have been DA/SA, but again, range shooting with most every round fired SA. Am considering spending the Xmas bonus on either a CZ RAMI, or moving up to .45 and attempting to get my hands on a Springfield Loaded Champion. Not attempting to engage the caliber war crowd, but rather looking for experience with each model. The main concern being something concealable that can be carried cocked and locked. My other option being to just spend oodles more range time with the Kahr, with the difference going to a reissue Fender guitar amplifier. All being attractive avenues for various reasons, I seek the wisdom of my boardmates, and look forward to any input. I thank you in advance.

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