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by flintknapper
Wed Aug 20, 2008 7:22 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Catfish King 3rd robbery
Replies: 23
Views: 5397

Re: Catfish King 3rd robbery

Sly Dog wrote:
longtooth wrote:I would rather die fighting than complying.
For me, it just depends upon the circumstance. The idea here is to "survive" the situation, not to go down in a blaze of glory. I know that is what LT means also.

In many cases "complying" with the demands of the BG is the correct thing to do. OTOH, if you just feel in your heart that you are going to be seriously injured or killed anyway, then without hesitation fight, and fight for all you are worth.

A few things that I will never allow for are: To be forced into a vehicle, allow myself to be tied up, kneel and face away from the BG, or go prone and face away. All of these things involve a risk level I am not willing to take.
by flintknapper
Mon Aug 18, 2008 7:27 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Catfish King 3rd robbery
Replies: 23
Views: 5397

Re: Catfish King 3rd robbery

longtooth wrote:Yes. One of the things I do when training others that I do not know of anyone else that does is remind them, You can lose the gun fight.

I would rather die fighting than complying.

I train to live through it. I really do believe what Patton said.
Wars are not won because soldiers are willing to die for their country.
They are won because soldiers are willing to make the other soldiers die for THEIR country. (Cleaned his vocabulary up a lot.) :evil2:
Applies on the street too.
Yup! Agree on all points.

Lufkin is really suffering it's share of crime isn't it!

I think the next time I come over there to visit you I will be armed. Sometimes I am, others not.

I don't carry "24/7"....never have and most likely never will, but I'm reconsidering when it involves trips to Lufkin. :shock:

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