Until recently I never felt the need to get my CHL. But with the economy in the tank, and knowing that crime goes up when the times get rough. That along with the fact that I am getting older, I can't run as fast as I used to,

and the fear that we could be facing the next four years with a President that would like to take away our right to bear arms, I felt that if there was ever a time to carry, it was now.
OK, so I took the class and mailed the paperwork, now the wait begins. I have always regarded myself as a patient man, but now I feel like a kid dreaming of getting a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas, and Christmas is almost a half year away. I keep looking at it in the Monkey Wards catalog, showing it to my mom and explaining all the features it has, keeping a count of the number of days until Christmas, and how the time just seems to come to a halt. I would dream of it at night, and occasionally get my mom to take me to Winns Dime store so I could show it to her.
As I look back over the years, I wonder where did all the time go, it seems like just yesterday. Perhaps if I had been a little more patient when I was kid, those Golden years of youth might have lasted a bit longer.
The one thing I have learned in my old age, is that the waiting and anticipation of what is to come is just as enjoyable, and in some cases more exciting than the gratification of realizing my goal.
So If I may give a little advise to those who are in the same boat as I am. Enjoy the time you have now, don't wish it away for tomorrow, it will get here soon enough. Having the wants for something can be just as exciting as getting it.
Looking foward to meeting the others here in this boat.
Welcome aboard the U.S.S. October!
Took CHL Class: Sept, 27th
Mailed Completed Application to DPS: Oct. 2nd
Application packet recieved by DPS: Oct. 3rd.