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by dwhitley
Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:56 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Would it have been justified?
Replies: 77
Views: 11426

Re: Would it have been justified?

My force or his? I think that yes there are LEO's that have a issue of CHL's carring cause they want that all to themselves. I think the law is the law and we have a right to defend our lives and our property to what extent that is on each person to decide. Let me tell you everyone can say what they would have done I did what I felt was right for me at the time and I have to take what comes with it. All I know is drawing my gun for any reason is not something I want to do ever, but will if my life or my familes is in danger. We here a lot of what people think might be the law but not what the real law is because its so not clear which is typical politics called talking out both sides of their mouths. I would not shoot a person for stealing out of my car, but I sure want him to know that yes I could have and I want to be ready in case he pulls out a gun or knife and comes out me. The last thing you want is to try and get ready for the attack you should be ready. D
by dwhitley
Thu Jul 02, 2009 10:20 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Would it have been justified?
Replies: 77
Views: 11426

Re: Would it have been justified?

I know a DA can go anyway... but several LEO's decended on the area after 911 was called. Not one said I should not have pulled my gun, and not one said I would have been wrong shooting the guy since he was caught in my truck. I am trying to remember but I dont think I actually point my gun at him I had it more of a 20 degree in front of me. Not knowing if he would have a gun too then I would be poised to shoot first if he did. I do not think any item I have in my truck is worth taking the life of anyone. I have been blessed with making a good living and I can replace any of that stuff but a life I cannot. Now had this been someone coming into my home they would be shot with no hesitation. Any officer you ask I believe would say draw your weapon if you can when approaching your vehicle being broken into as you just dont know what the BG might do. I think I was ok in the way I dealt with it seeing that no LEO had a issue with me. But I do welcome all of your feed back I think we all learn from this stuff. Thanks David
by dwhitley
Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:52 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Would it have been justified?
Replies: 77
Views: 11426

Re: Would it have been justified?

I really dont think he was worried at all.... Almost like you will not shoot me attitude... And just so you know he was in his mid 20's I would say not a teenager. Thanks for the feedback it really is something I need to digest that is for sure.
by dwhitley
Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:45 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Would it have been justified?
Replies: 77
Views: 11426

Re: Would it have been justified?

Thanks for the info it really makes me feel like I made the right choice. I was not really that nervous it was more like I am pointing a gun at this guy he really did not seem worried his eyes were opened wide, but then he just ran away.... I was about 10 ft from him now he had a big screw driver in his hand had he started coming towards me with that in a way that seemed hostile yes I would have shot him. But to shoot for a radio not sure that is the answer. Yes I had to have the key hole $250 replaced and the naviagation bracket $25 had to be replaces did it all hours after the deal. The cop told me if he came out and saw that he would have shot and asked later that I had a right to protect my proptery they were cool though never asked for my gun as I put it back on my person after he ran.
by dwhitley
Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:21 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Would it have been justified?
Replies: 77
Views: 11426

Re: Would it have been justified?

11AM lunch time...
by dwhitley
Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:08 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Would it have been justified?
Replies: 77
Views: 11426

Would it have been justified?

Yesterday I was eating at Wendy's and my alarm to my truck went off, I have a notification alarm that beeps the remote when its set off. So I went outside to see and there was a man in my truck trying to steal my Navigation-Radio. I did pull my gun and yelled for him to step away from the truck he looked at me and then ran off and got into another car and they drove off. At one point I was ready to pull the trigger, but I just felt like if he would just lay on the ground until the cops came I would be good. I mean taking a life over a radio I just could not justify though I have always said I would shoot them it just did not feel right. I think most of all it was the legal side would I be justified. The cop that came to do the report said I should have shot him, but he was young and seemed just eager to take a bad guy off the streets. Tell me what you all would have done shoot or not? Would it have been justified? Thanks David

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