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by newTexan
Tue Jul 08, 2014 12:31 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Too Nice to Shoot...
Replies: 28
Views: 4874

Re: Too Nice to Shoot...

gljjt wrote:
clarionite wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:
RPBrown wrote:I also shoot all but 1 gun. That gun happens to be my grandfathers 1911 that was issued to him in WW2. How he came home with it I'll never know since he's been gone since 1968. Although I am sure it will shoot and I clean it every time I clean one of my guns, I just haven't been able to bring myself to shoot it. Last time it was shot was 1967 when he took me "out back" to shoot at some cans. 4 months later he passed. Maybe I'm just sentimental, but not gonna shoot it.
I also have my dad's WW2 1911. I don't shoot it very often, but I do shoot it. It runs like a champ. But I do understand what you're saying.
I can understand the sentiment. I have the Browning 12ga A5 my Grandma bought my Grandpa for their first anniversary. She worked at a department store up north. She asked her manager if they had any used guns, as she couldn't afford a new one. He told her to try out the Browning, he even let her shoot it. She liked it but she couldn't afford one of the new guns. He told her she could afford the one she was holding, it's been shot, it's used now. I heard my Grandmother tell that story several times. They're both gone now. That Browning is my most treasured gun.
That's a great story!
That is awesome. Shows you how different things are these days.
by newTexan
Wed Jun 25, 2014 9:27 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Too Nice to Shoot...
Replies: 28
Views: 4874

Too Nice to Shoot...

Got into a discussion with a co-worker yesterday on the idea of guns out there that are just too nice/expensive/whatever to shoot. It was a fun topic so I thought I'd toss the question out to y'all. Do you think guns are ever "too good/nice/expensive" to shoot, and if so what is the cut off? The $1500 1911? The $3000 AR? Curious as to y'all's thoughts...

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