All the more reason that we should all do our best to convince anti gun folks of the truth as opposed to making an enemy our of them. The more poeple we convince the more the politicians constituency will be pro gun. Lets not forget this is a government "By the people, for the people". We need MORE PEOPLE. The ambivalent all the way to the extreme wrote:Actually, I think Pelosi probably professes support for anti-gun legislation because her support results in votes. If all of the sudden the people in her district were to start voting against anti-gun candidates then she would flip like Shamu. I think this is probably true for 99% of all politicians, at least incumbents. They are elected in districts or parts of the country where the constituents in majority are aligned with one or the other party platforms, so within the context of that platform, they will support whatever fires up the base. They will do whatever necessary to stay in office. Very few will stand on principle, simply because generally speaking standing on principle, if that happens to depart from the opinion of your constituents, results in a career change for politicians. Standing on principle only matters if it is is counter to the polls. I think this is why you don't see people like Rush Limbaugh not running for public office, and people like Jesse Jackson losing when they run.
Please don't make the mistake of thinking that most career politicians actually have firmly held beliefs. That's the wool you are seeing before your eyes.