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by solaritx
Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:50 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: How Often Do You Practice?
Replies: 30
Views: 4392

I shoot an IDPA match once to three times a week. I shoot with Gary B @ Tactical Shooters on Tue night about twice a month. I shoot with West Houston IDPA (WHIDPA) every wed night provided we are not rained out. I try and shoot at least two Sat a month, typically the 1st Sat with WHIDPA and the 4th Sat at Pearland.

When getting ready for major IDPA matches, I also do one hour of dry firing at least 3 times a week for several months prior to shooting the match.

In IDPA and other shooting sports, I find that correct dry firing is EVEN MORE IMPORTANT than putting rounds downrange. The actual match time is showing the results of the time practiced dryfiring.

Garry Newton

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