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by dewayneward
Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:32 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Almost had to draw my weapon on some fool tonight-kinda long
Replies: 81
Views: 13386

Re: Almost had to draw my weapon on some fool tonight-kinda long

I must be out of it then...I cant imagine anyone asking to see my (a strangers) phone. Unless you were on the phone at the time and he found, in his bulletproof mental state, it annoying that you were talking on it.

this goes to show that you just cant know what is going through peoples' minds. My wife is trying to get me to stop going to sites like this and the armedcitizen because it is making me think everyone is out to get me.

On the martial arts end...I have a black belt in Tae Kwon do and a Green belt in karate. I am assuming that you have had formal training and know that you have been told EXACTLY when to use your training (actually you are using your training to STAY OUT of situations as you are always aware of what is going on). Any jury in the world would hang you if you beat someone up that was equally armed. You are "trained" to stop the attack and leave. Personal insults and all that are to be a "I'm rubber you're glue" thing as well as him shoving you or something. You are to WALK away.

I know that if I ever pull on someone that I better have video and about 100 witnesses and they better find an uzi on the gang of people because the brady bunch will say that big tough karate man was beating or shooting some poor guy because he was down on his luck. If you have the formal, documented training that you say, you have to make doubly sure that you keep your nose clean.

That being said, outside of being in the situation itself, I think that you handled it very well with not escalating it. I am sure thoughts of taking his hand and twisting it to that sweet sound of the rotater breaking sound were dancing through your head and I (and other CHL and martial artists folks) am happy you didnt go all American Ninja on him.
by dewayneward
Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:00 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Almost had to draw my weapon on some fool tonight-kinda long
Replies: 81
Views: 13386

Re: Almost had to draw and shoot some fool tonight--kinda long

As a lefty, this post (and so many others) hase made me think how I would handle a situation while sitting in my truck. If I could get the BG to come over the other side and roll the window down for me, it would be a big help.

Seriously, I mentally worked through drawing from my left side, which isnt a bid deal, but look like a dork trying to aim the thing. It would be impossible to fire through a closed window on my left using my left hand. If the window was down, some libby lawyer would say that I was asking for trouble because I had my window down or something.

Maybe I can retorfit my truck to let me drive on the right side... :lol::

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