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by jordanmills
Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:51 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: What constitutes request for ID?
Replies: 12
Views: 2503

Re: What constitutes request for ID?

Bullwhip wrote:Your name and address and dob are "indentifying info" not "ID". ID is a piece of plastic.

Goverment Code Sec. 411.205. REQUIREMENT TO DISPLAY LICENSE. If a license holder is carrying a handgun on or about the license holder's person when a magistrate or a peace officer demands that the license holder display identification, the license holder shall display both the license holder's driver's license or identification certificate issued by the department and the license holder's handgun license.

No requirement to have ID or have a CHL on your own property. No penalty for not showing ID since 2009. Don't worry.
In my not-so-lawyerly-opinion, the operative word here is "display". The officer can request you identify yourself without asking you to display DPS-issued identification. It's only when he/she/it/they ask for your license, as opposed to the info that may also be printed on your license, that the obligation comes into effect.

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