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by wgoforth
Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:47 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: open carry
Replies: 171
Views: 37693

Re: open carry

Oldgringo wrote:
wgoforth wrote:I guess I wonder how many will OC if it does become lawful. I spent a week in Tucson, and didn't see a single person oc-ing. I was among the public, restaurants all week and didn't notice a thing. Prior to that, I was in Mesa for a week, and other than a bunch of us shooting up in the Mts, I didn't see any.
There's a reason that you didn't see any OC. Even where legal, it just ain't done on a large enough scale to be openly and publicly the lower 48.

Legalized OC would be nice to have but it's not necessary and it dang sure isn't needed at the expense of our current CC laws and Texas' unique 30.06 sign.
Right, and that's really where I was heading. Even where legal it isn't widely why risk our current CHL laws over something that will be so seldomly practiced.
by wgoforth
Sat Mar 26, 2011 9:28 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: open carry
Replies: 171
Views: 37693

Re: open carry

I guess I wonder how many will OC if it does become lawful. I spent a week in Tucson, and didn't see a single person oc-ing. I was among the public, restaurants all week and didn't notice a thing. Prior to that, I was in Mesa for a week, and other than a bunch of us shooting up in the Mts, I didn't see any.
by wgoforth
Fri Mar 18, 2011 4:07 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: open carry
Replies: 171
Views: 37693

Re: open carry

03Lightningrocks wrote:
wgoforth wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:
wgoforth wrote:Not will avoid the time (after some money spent) but numerous people have been cuffed and stuffed because people panicked when seeing a firearm that should have been concealed better, and called the law about "man with a gun" and police not always knowing the law like they should.

Where did you get that information? I have to throw the flag on this one. This scenario RARELY happens.
Police/LEO's do not always know law. There was a person on here that had leaned forward in his seat at come city building. He let, drove down street... was pulled over, cuffed and stuffed. One person told me in a restaurant, thei gun was in holster under their coat. Police came. As you say, RARELY happens, but I was responding to the one who said you cannot be arrested. Cannot is a strong/absolute term. You can be arrested anytime for about anything. Making it stick is another matter. I was told by a state trooper he would arrest anyone carrying CHL in a mall regardless of whether it had a 30.06 or not. Recall man shot to death in Nevada for accidental exposure in a Walmart? Bottom line is, check your concealment method and make everybody happy.
The two instances you speak of were completely different scenarios. The guy in the Costco(not walmart) was making a scene. Folks carrying guns should not be raising Cain. The other feller was just asking for it with his form of concealment. Neither situation happens often or even more than occasionally. How many years ago did that guy get shot at Costco??? Neither person deserved what happened to them but both brought the situation on themselves. Things are not that tricky. Getting arrested for it is real hard to do if one is not doing something stupid. Nobody can see through your cloths! That trooper is the rare exception to law enforcement. Most of them are not that dumb.

To say that numerous people have been arrested and cuffed while legally carrying a firearm is just false. The noobs to CC are already paranoid enough about it without the rest of us making it sound like they are risking life and liberty every time they carry concealed.
I was trying to caution against making concrete statements such as you CAN'T get arrested for it. However, I disagree that most LEO's know better. On talk show on KLBJ, A police sarge was spouting it is illegal to church carry in TX. I have found that to be fairly normal. They just don't have time to wade through it. So I don't see how any could disagree with
(1) Don't make concrete statements saying you CAN'T, because it is possible to do the ride but not the time.
(2) Check your manner of concealment, and it shouldn't be an issue
Simple as that! :)
by wgoforth
Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:06 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: open carry
Replies: 171
Views: 37693

Re: open carry

03Lightningrocks wrote:
wgoforth wrote:Not will avoid the time (after some money spent) but numerous people have been cuffed and stuffed because people panicked when seeing a firearm that should have been concealed better, and called the law about "man with a gun" and police not always knowing the law like they should.

Where did you get that information? I have to throw the flag on this one. This scenario RARELY happens.
Police/LEO's do not always know law. There was a person on here that had leaned forward in his seat at come city building. He let, drove down street... was pulled over, cuffed and stuffed. One person told me in a restaurant, thei gun was in holster under their coat. Police came. As you say, RARELY happens, but I was responding to the one who said you cannot be arrested. Cannot is a strong/absolute term. You can be arrested anytime for about anything. Making it stick is another matter. I was told by a state trooper he would arrest anyone carrying CHL in a mall regardless of whether it had a 30.06 or not. Recall man shot to death in Nevada for accidental exposure in a Walmart? Bottom line is, check your concealment method and make everybody happy.
by wgoforth
Fri Mar 18, 2011 12:25 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: open carry
Replies: 171
Views: 37693

Re: open carry

Texas_Tactical wrote:
freestoneflash wrote:Does anyone know of any of our legislators talking about bring up open carry of our chl license holders? I know that our (texas) CHL is better than some other states but I would still like not to arrested or threatened if I accidentally had my weapon exposed. I would like to be able to carry on my belt with shirt covering. Any thoughts?
Your not going to get arrested for your shirt accidentally coming up(see PC quoted below.) You can carry with it outside your waistband with a shirt over it just be sure it doesn't uncover your weapon easily.

HOLDER. (a) A license holder commits an offense if the license
holder carries a handgun on or about the license holder's person
under the authority of Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code,
and intentionally fails to conceal the handgun."

I think if CHL holders had a choice of concealed or open carry it would be interesting. However I don't see it happening.
Not will avoid the time (after some money spent) but numerous people have been cuffed and stuffed because people panicked when seeing a firearm that should have been concealed better, and called the law about "man with a gun" and police not always knowing the law like they should. There are great LEO's, and then there are plenty who think they are the only ones who should be allowed to carry. You and I know the laws on this because this is our interest, but LEO's don't know all the stipulations of every law. They tend to arrest and let the judge sort it out. In fact, there have been a couple on this forum that have had some altercations in this regards.

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