Interesting and aggravating... I was called by the local DPS because he went to my Castle Keep Services facebook page and saw a picture of a shooter in front of a non-B27 target. He sounded adversarial on the phone concerning it. I informed him it was not a CHL class but one of the other classes, and he stated "I don't care about that. I care about the CHL." Again I told him I use the standard B27 for the CHL class. He asked if I could come in and show it to him. AND while at it, to audit my other paperwork. He seemed unfamiliar with the audit process and said he had not audited the others in the area yet. I gave him my CHL 100's/7 and 8's...but asked if I send notifications of class announcements and close. I showed him thats what the forms signify. He had seen where I announced a spur of the minute class that popped up and he didn't know how I could get the CHL7 in for that in time. I explained that we were told in school that they understand if it is spur of the minute to just get it in when we can. Either way, everything was kosher and checked out, but couldn't believe being called pertaining to a target picture. Interestingly he had not yet audited any other instructor in the county, but I came on his radar due to the target.