You do not have to provide your CHL unless you are carrying. If you are pulled over and asked for ID, but do not have a weapon on or about your person, you just give your DL. If you have a gun on or around your person, then you hand them your DL and CHL. Not sure how confusing that is.Purplehood wrote:No, it is saying that I have a CHL that you saw when you ran my DL. If I am asked where my gun is, I inform the officer (in my waist-holster at 4 o'clock; at home; in my center console).will381796 wrote:Handing him the CHL is you saying "I have a gun" and would be interpreted as such by the LOE. The LOE will ask where is the gun. You don't necessarily have to tell him where it is, but you're only creating pain for yourself if you try and be evasive for no reason.
Reasonable cooperation is my policy.
You have your CHL so protection under the Motorist Protection Act doesn't apply. You are held to a higher standard MUST provide your CHL if carrying and asked for ID. I don't think you need to tell them where the weapon is, but if you choose not to disclose its location they then have the prerogative to have you leave the vehicle and then to search you for your weapon and disarm you for the duration of the traffic stop.