Scares me !
My little story is:
Back in 1981/82..Indio Ca.
One of our Nat' l Guard soldiers and friend .. ( Art L. ) off duty. (( C Co. 1/185th AR ))
While driving down tha' hill from Banning to Indio (where he lived) taking his pregnant girl friend home; had some of the same road rage issues happen to him.
Trying to avoid the rager, Art pulled over on the shoulder of I-10, the other gentleman did tha' same thing, while sitting there, the rager stepped out of his vehicle, walked back, up to Art's window, words where exchanged...Art, reached between tha' seat and pulled his gun...shot tha' dude, point blank, C O M ...dead, right there !
Art was young, full of life, had just started with the California Army Nat'l Guard. But killing that dude on the side of the road, changed his life forever.
One hot headed moment, Art went to Prison for a long time. (Blythe, Ca.)