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Same here...Tireshred wrote:I emailed yesterday at lunch for a status, no response yet.
I just sent one off to DPS. Thanks...kirock7 wrote:I've had good luck emailing DPS and asking the status of my application (you need to provide your full name and drivers license #).Derekhie wrote:Well, I'm not sure what too do. Do I write to my Senator or someone of influence or not? I'm not sure if I really have the right too. Technically, DPS can start the process over again if there was any problem with what was submitted to them.
Have you done that recently? chl@txdps.state.tx.us
Congrats to ya'll...ac-mech wrote:My girlfriend got her plastic today..
class nov. 15
sent nov. 17
She will be carrying a guardian .380
I know how you feel. They said they started mine over again on the 1/21 all because the first pictures I sent were too dark for them. They notified me of the pictures on 12/31 and they received, by certified mail, the new pictures on 1/7. I was told my new 60 day date would be March 21. Just doesn't seem right!!!Wahed wrote:So i called 2 days ago to check my status. They informed me that my proof of 'Mericanship was confirmed on January 5th. I then asked for a time estimate, and they told me that my 60 days started then. So i added up 60 business days from that time, removing holidays and starting from the 6th. That comes out to April 1st. Oh the sweet irony of April Fool's for the estimated date.
I think it's a little bogus that they had already had my application for a month and had all that time to work on it, and they don't start background check until 2 weeks after they receive my proof of 'Mericanship.
The wait, continues.
Looks like I in the same boat as you. I posted this in the "Photo is too Dark" thread on Friday.Ricky wrote:I sent an email to my state Senator who then contacted DPS. DPS told them that since my fingerprints were returned and resubmitted that the process starts all over and the 60 day counter starts from the day that they received the updated fingerprint cards.
Looks like I'm in for a long wait.
Lets hope he's right...Charles L. Cotton wrote:
Probably not at all. DPS doesn't take the position that your 60 days starts over, although technically they could. They will keep processing your application and your photo is used only when they are making your CHL. I've also been told by DPS that your CHL instructor can sign the replacement photo.
Derekhie wrote:
Just got off the phone with DPS. It's been 62 days since they received my application. I was just informed that they recieved my new pictures on 1/7 and started my processing OVER AGAIN ON 1/20. This means my new 60 day period will be MARCH 20th.Charles L. Cotton wrote:
Technically they are correct. The 60 day period begins when DPS has a "complete application" and usable photos are part of a complete application. However, this is the first time I've ever heard of them actually claiming the 60 period started over. Since DPS typically runs several months late without the excuse of an incomplete package, I don't know that it matters. I still don't think they put your application aside waiting for photos; they're just using this to keep you from calling again until March. When you do, then you will be told they are "waiting on the background check to come back." Trust me, your photos haven't made any difference in when you will receive your CHL.
Chas.Derekhie wrote:
You must be right because I've seen others on here that have had missing information requested and sent back and a week after the DPS received there missing info the applications were completed. I have seen this on more than one signature.