I got 2 holsters this A.M. in hopes that the plastic would arrive , and it DID. So I Strapped it on and me and my wife had stuff to do, then we went to eat. It was an amazing thing.
the app. packet I mailed arrived, according to the USPS, on 01-27-09, its 01-30-09 and when i check on the dps app. tracking page it still says "packet mailed to applicant" will that update once they start processing the application, or should it have updated once it got there?
I took the class today with 96% on the test and 244 on the shooting with my glock 26. I ordered the packet from the DPs online so i am waiting for that, But the best news of all if that my wife is expecting!!! we just found out I am going to be a dad!!!
Thanks. I cant wait for the class. i have a ticket with the city of fort worth i must clear up for 5 over the limit, but thats all i got i will get that paid than take the class. I will be doing alot of shooting at the range before than though.
I am new to this forum, i will be taking the CHL class in January. I purchased A Glock 26 9mm on saturday. cant wait to updat on the CHL plastic when i get it.