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by CopOnce
Fri Jan 02, 2009 4:27 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Bellaire: another police shooting error
Replies: 37
Views: 4825

Re: Bellaire: another police shooting error

By the time the media and all the blogs get done on this, he's good as ruined anyway. I used to have to put up with this too. Anything a police officer does; even when it's done entirely within departmental policy and within the boundaries of the law, he/she gets toasted by the main stream media.

I was involved in a shooting once in a high speed pursuit of a stolen vehicle that had rammed an officers vehicle as he was getting out of his patrol car after stopping him for running a red light. This guy had no regard for life at all; running on coming vehicles into the ditch, busting road blocks...all said and done, 29 bullet holes to the van and two in the driver. Driver lived, but carries a bag with him the rest of his life.

We had to go through two Grand jury hearings because the chase and injury to officer started in Harris County and ended in Chambers County. The news media twisted things around to make it look like we were the bad guys. Heck, the media didn't even spell one of the officers names right much less know the facts on what had occurred. The two of us that were involved in the shooting were cleared of any wrong doing, but the period of the investigation by the DA's office is enough to make you lose weight, lose sleep and turn a person into a bucket of bolts. To this day when I read the article, it still bothers me even knowing I did everything correctly.

I'm not saying that the officer didn't act inappropriately, I'm saying; let the investigation take its coarse and let the courts decide. Not the Militia.

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