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by Crossfire
Fri Jan 07, 2011 3:05 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Field sobriety test
Replies: 103
Views: 12955

Re: Field sobriety test

srothstein wrote:
RPB wrote:
pbwalker wrote:What is it with "Two Beers"? That seems to be the universal answer to "How much have you had to drink tonight?". I see it on all the police TV shows, Cops, TruTV, etc.

Is there some magical occurrence after two beers that people generally don't want to admit to? "rlol"
It's that ....... two is all they "remember"
I was told by an instructor years ago that this is the correct answer. The two that stick in a drunk's mind are the beer the waiter brought and the one he took away. Counting how many times that happened is the hard part the drunk does not remember.

On the OP's question of whether or not to cooperate and take the SFST, it is a basic question of tactics and strategy. If you cooperate, you may be giving evidence against yourself but you are also working to give evidence for yourself. The officer may make a decision to arrest based in part on your cooperation level. So, if you do not cooperate, you are more likely to spend a night in jail. But, if you do not cooperate at all, you give the prosecutor much less evidence to use in court. You stand a better chance of winning the court case that way.

End result is that cooperation may keep you from going to jail that night while a lack of cooperation may keep you from going to jail later on.
So what about the "no refusal" thing that has been going on in the DFW area? If you refuse the breathalyzer, you are forced to submit to a blood draw. What is the best response there? And, is "no refusal" really legal?

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