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by threoh8
Tue Nov 08, 2011 11:36 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Angry Parent At Jr High Football Game
Replies: 23
Views: 7217

Re: Angry Parent At Jr High Football Game

Having raised kids and having worked with Scouts, soldiers, and young people in various other capacities, let me do this:

[Devil's advocate]
What was the man so upset about? The OP may not have seen what set this guy off. There are at least two sides to every story.

While he may have "lost it" in this case - cursing is a clue - might there be situations where one has an obligation to protest, to stop some situation, or even remove one's child from a dangerous situation? Certainly, intervention should be done carefully, and without escalation if possible, but confrontations don't always happen by the book. That's why this forum exists, isn't it?

I've seen overzealous parents, certainly. I've also seen equally bad behavior and bad judgement from coaches and other adults on the field. Like THIS recent example. Nothing about the title "Coach" guarantees your child's safety or well-being.
[/Devil's advocate]

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