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by quidni
Thu May 13, 2010 9:52 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: OK passes open carry & TSRA planning for Texas '11 session
Replies: 127
Views: 22488

Re: OK passes open carry & TSRA planning for Texas '11 sessi

Something I'd like to see is a provision that prohibits state agencies from disarming employees who are carrying under a state-issued permit. Right now, the state of Texas says I can carry, but my employer, which is an agency of the state of Texas, says I can't.

Texas already says that counties/municipalities may not ban what the state specifically permits. So why can state agencies get away with it?

(and if state employees regain the right to carry at work under authority of CHL, hopefully the private sector will follow...)

I'm dreaming, I know.... :banghead:

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