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by hirundo82
Sun Mar 06, 2011 5:43 pm
Forum: Holsters & Accessories
Topic: 1911 option?
Replies: 20
Views: 5478

Re: 1911 option?

cbunt1 wrote:Find a good gunbelt (5.11's are great, and inexpensive as gun belts go), consider one-size larger in the waist, and give it some time. You'll do fine. Like almost everything else about carrying, it's more about the decision to be successful with it, and you'll find the right groove.
I agree with this strongly. A good gunbelt is just as important as a good holster for concealment. This is especially important when carrying a heavy gun such as a 5" 1911. The Government Model is slim, which lends itself well to concealment, but you need a good belt to hold it tight to your body.

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