The bank does not own your house. Your house is collateral for the loan you took on it. To protect the bank's investment in your loan, they require, as part of the contract that you agreed to, that the homeowner insure the home. The bank doesn't require you to insure the house because they own it. They got you to sign a contractual obligation to insure it, so, if they do take over ownership of the house (foreclose), the house will still be worth something. If you don't agree to the insurance, then they don't have to lend to you, and their contract allows then to take out insurance for you and bill you for it if you fail to maintain insurance on the house you used for collateral on the mortgage loan.kauboy wrote:Last time I checked, I have to pay homeowners insurance.zeroskillz wrote:The idea that it's okay to carry there because the Government owns it, is like saying the Bank can put rules and restrictions on what you do in your home because they own it.
Why??? Why do I have to pay it?
Simple. Because "they" own it, and told me to.
Also, the point is moot because a bank and a homeowner sign a contract that both agree to.
You can't equate the same thing to an individual and their government.
The law contains the restriction about government property because it is meant to protect the citizen from an overstepping government.
Private business can mostly do whatever it wants.
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- Mon Apr 14, 2008 9:20 am
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