Search found 4 matches

by barres
Mon Oct 02, 2006 8:38 am
Forum: Closed Items
Topic: FREE!! Hogue Hand-All Karma
Replies: 19
Views: 4265

The Winner is...


I will shortly be sending you a PM for your shipping information.

Thank you, everyone, for participating. I am sorry I don't have more of these to give to more of you guys.
by barres
Mon Oct 02, 2006 8:30 am
Forum: Closed Items
Topic: FREE!! Hogue Hand-All Karma
Replies: 19
Views: 4265

I will be back momentarily with the winner!
by barres
Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:20 pm
Forum: Closed Items
Topic: FREE!! Hogue Hand-All Karma
Replies: 19
Views: 4265

Let's see if the edited title gets more attention.

Cosmo, yes, the Hand-All will fit on your XD, but, yes, it will effectively disable the grip safety. Do you still want to be included?

KBCraig, were you just chiming in to answer Cosmo's question, or do you want to be included?
by barres
Mon Sep 25, 2006 10:12 am
Forum: Closed Items
Topic: FREE!! Hogue Hand-All Karma
Replies: 19
Views: 4265

FREE!! Hogue Hand-All Karma

I've yet to see a karma done on this forum, as I have on other forums, so I'll explain.

I have a Hogue Hand-All for which I have no use. It is the full-sized "universal" Hand-All with the recesses under the fingergrooves, so it can be used on 3rd Gen. Glocks (in fact it came on my wife's G19 when we bought it).

I don't want to sell it. I want to give it to someone who will get some use out of it. So anyone who would like to have their name put into a drawing for the Hand-All, just reply to this post stating so by the end of September.

On October 2nd, I will draw a lucky winner from a hat and contact that person by PM to get thier mailing address and send them the Hand-All. That's all there is to it.

My only requirement is that the winner cannot sell the Hand-All. If he or she finds they cannot or will not use it, they must give it away.

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