I would say that decision was made long before they decided they could use drones on US citizens.Topbuilder wrote:"International warfare"
Any quesses how long an Obama administration will worry itself about the use of JHP on Americans...
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Return to “The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013”
- Fri Feb 08, 2013 12:46 am
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013
- Replies: 73
- Views: 13228
Re: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013
- Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:07 am
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013
- Replies: 73
- Views: 13228
Re: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013
Anygun, you're going to get everyone depressed. Then when they go see the doc for their depression, he's going to ask if they have guns. Then "they" are going to come take their guns away, in Escalades.anygunanywhere wrote:Once the confiscations start then there will be plenty of ammo for the confiscators. They can carry all that ammo in the confiscated Escalades.
- Sun Jan 20, 2013 11:39 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013
- Replies: 73
- Views: 13228
Re: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013
I guess they were being straight up. Very scary.K.Mooneyham wrote:http://cnsnews.com/blog/gregory-gwyn-wi ... ges-policepbwalker wrote:jmra wrote: I've had LEOs try to buy ammo from me. They claim they don't have enough ammo on hand for the officers to qualify. Maybe that's just a line to gain empathy, I don't know. I do know they didn't talk me out of any.
that's scary...
- Sun Jan 20, 2013 11:06 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013
- Replies: 73
- Views: 13228
Re: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013
I've had LEOs try to buy ammo from me. They claim they don't have enough ammo on hand for the officers to qualify. Maybe that's just a line to gain empathy, I don't know. I do know they didn't talk me out of any.pbwalker wrote:Manufacturers are running 24/7/365 right now. They still can't keep up with the demand.K.Mooneyham wrote:Okay, that's cool, I figure some folks would get heads up about ammo shipments, but are you buying up thousands of rounds at a pop, though? I'm just trying to figure out where its all going. A lot of people may have bought ARs though those are getting hard to come by too, and not all of them or even most of them have time to spend all day waiting for shipments to come in, AND they don't have the money to buy it all up at one go. TENS OF MILLIONS of rounds have to be getting churned out right now, I'd imagine the ammo factories that make this stuff are all pretty much running three shifts (and if they aren't, well they sure are losing out on money to be made)...and yet the shelves are still bare no matter where you go...its just not adding up.pbwalker wrote:K.Mooneyham wrote:Well, SOMEBODY has bought a LOT of .223/5.56mm in the last month or so. I'm curious about something...has anyone on here been to a gun show RECENTLY (since the Sandy Hook incident)? Does it seem like vendors there have .223/5.56mm ammo for sale? I'm not asking about prices, just availability. I know that some are buying to put it away for a "rainy day", and I do have some for that purpose myself...and MANY people have bought ARs and other .223 rifles recently...but there was PLENTY of ammo and now there is VERY little...it had to have gone SOMEWHERE. Did the "resellers" buy up a substantial chunk of it...and I don't mean retailers, but rather the folks who resell at gunshows and at "Guns America", etc.
EDITED TO ADD: Thank you chasfm11 for the clarification.
Well, I can tell you that some "people" ( ) have friends that work at Academy and get a heads up prior to the pallet being brought out to the sales floor.
There are four of us that are shopping for each other. So if one guy finds something I need, he buys it and let's me know the cost. Same applies vice versa. So it's nice to have four sets of eyes shopping for me. That being said, I am sure we're a drop in the bucket in the scheme of things. 4000 rounds (1000 x 4 people) in a week is probably 0.00000004% of the overall sales.
I honestly haven't the slightest clue where it's all going. PD's hedging? Turn and burn sellers on Gunbroker? Very rich hoarders? You're guess is as good as mine.
- Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:52 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013
- Replies: 73
- Views: 13228
Re: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013
Also have to factor in the vast number of first time buyers over the last month. I know many people I thought would never buy a firearm that have purchased one for every member of the family. When they go to buy ammo and see how bare the shelves are, they are going to buy as much as they can find.