No offense taken at all. I just didn't think I had been very clear in my previous post.Abraham wrote:jmra,
My post was a general rant, not targeting you at all.
If you thought so, my apologies.

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No offense taken at all. I just didn't think I had been very clear in my previous post.Abraham wrote:jmra,
My post was a general rant, not targeting you at all.
If you thought so, my apologies.
I guess I should qualify my statements. For me shopping online instead of visiting malls has little to do with fear of terrorists and a lot to do with avoiding stupid people and overpriced merchandise. Malls were on life support long before anyone became concerned about them being a target. The only thing that a terrorist attack might do is pull the plug.Abraham wrote:If there's a significant number of folks who NOW won't shop in malls or go where other large crowds gather, like Walmart or restaurants, terrorists win by economic devastation.
Perhaps, THAT'S what they really hope to accomplish.
Could terrorists shoot up a mall, sure, but I'm not hiding because they threatened too. The heck with that
After 911, our economy was left in tatters...many people wouldn't fly and were even afraid to open their mail for fear of anthrax.
Me, I'm gonna go where I please on tremble in my boots because of what MIGHT happen.
I haven't been to bass pro in awhile either. Nowadays just about anything I want I can get online. No real reason to go to malls or big sporting goods stores.rbwhatever1 wrote:Me too. The closest I get to that place is Bass Pro Shops and I haven't been there in a few years.jmra wrote: I think I'll avoid Grapevine Mills.
I think I'll avoid Grapevine Mills.ScottDLS wrote:OK guys. When I wrote this it was a little "tongue in cheek", but now I hear ISIS has threatened a Mall of America attack. I think I'll start carrying the AR15 in the ScottDLS car when I go to Grapevine Mills.