Search found 6 matches
- Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:27 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Recommended CHL Class
- Replies: 7
- Views: 1700
Re: Recommended CHL Class
Thanks for all the info!
- Mon Oct 11, 2010 7:24 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Recommended CHL Class
- Replies: 7
- Views: 1700
Recommended CHL Class
My son is on terminal leave from the Air Force and would like to get his CHL class and application completed soon. I've done forum searches and looked through the Class & Training area but nothing specifically talked about classes and/or venues that others like. We are in the South Houston (Pear...
- Mon Sep 27, 2010 3:43 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Specialization is for Insects
- Replies: 2
- Views: 572
Specialization is for Insects
These is a quote from Robert Heinlein which I've seen on the sig/tagline of forum posters here and there. It is interesting and when I ran across it today, it got me thinking. The quote is: A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a buildi...
- Wed Sep 08, 2010 1:51 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Dallas Area Pawn Shop Robbed @ Gunpoint Labor Day
- Replies: 0
- Views: 480
Dallas Area Pawn Shop Robbed @ Gunpoint Labor Day
The armed robbery supposedly happened in Dallas over Labor Day weekend. Not much on news about it. The only news report I found was this:
- Mon Sep 06, 2010 9:58 pm
- Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
- Topic: 2AM Stop in Temple
- Replies: 9
- Views: 2708
Re: 2AM Stop in Temple
I know this thread is somewhat old, but have not read this forum is a few months so I spent part of today catching up. One thing I would like to pass on to the members here is the absolute best way to stay awake while driving I have ever found. Sunflower Seeds... the un-shelled ones that you crack i...
- Fri Feb 13, 2009 12:08 am
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Almost had to draw my weapon on some fool tonight-kinda long
- Replies: 81
- Views: 13261
Re: Almost had to draw my weapon on some fool tonight-kinda long
Forgive me for posting on this thread so late. It was a very good discussion but I felt that more points could be made about staying inside the vehicle vice exiting it. Based upon what I've seen in police shootings on YouTube and on some recreational shooting at junkers, a car is at best concealment...