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by PBR
Fri Aug 23, 2013 7:13 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: K9 dies in hot car.
Replies: 41
Views: 6517

Re: K9 dies in hot car...AGAIN

westex1948 wrote:Now its happened in Harris County, TX ... cmpid=hpts

"K-9 officers at the Harris County Sheriff's Office are mourning the loss of one of their own - a canine that died last week after being accidentally left inside a hot patrol car by its partner.

From all indications, the bomb-sniffing K-9 died from heat exhaustion, said Alan Bernstein, the sheriff's director of public affairs."
sad situation but also what is sad is nothing will happen to the officer -- if this was normal person we would be charge with animal neglect or cruelty -- but with him being an officer it wont happen -- its not right he isnt immune to right or wrong and thus should be treated just as a normal person would be -- im not saying he should be jailed or whatever but should be charged or treated the same as a non-policeman would be

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