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by 74novaman
Fri Jun 05, 2009 2:39 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: 30.06 in Fredericksburg
Replies: 5
Views: 1396

Re: 30.06 in Fredericksburg

Jeremae wrote:The 51% rule applies to places that recieve > 51% of their revenue from sale of alcohol for consumption on premise. I doubt the wine tasters buy and drink 51% of the product.
That was what I was going on. They normally charge a small fee for a "wine tasting" on the premises, but the large majority of sales are bottles of wine which cannot be consumed on the premises, therefore the 51% rule is not applicable.

anyone know for sure of any that do post 30.06 though?
by 74novaman
Fri Jun 05, 2009 1:00 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: 30.06 in Fredericksburg
Replies: 5
Views: 1396

30.06 in Fredericksburg

Visiting Fredericksburg this weekend for a friends birthday. They want to tour the local wineries in the area. Being the good friend that I am, I offered to drive while they do wine tasting. Anyone know of any specific wineries in the Fredericksburg area posted 30.06? I did a search on the 30.06 site, but it didn't come up with anything. Or if you know of any businesses in paticular posted 30.06 in Fredericksburg, I would appreciate it. Thanks for any heads up yall give. :tiphat:

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