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by 74novaman
Tue Jun 23, 2009 7:33 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Negative Trooper Encounter
Replies: 103
Views: 16719

Re: Negative Trooper Encounter

kw5kw wrote:and I'd say it's <1% of CHL stops. Heck, today alone I probably had at least 15 CCL stops ran through my terminal with not one serial number requested.
Good to know. Thanks. :thumbs2:
by 74novaman
Tue Jun 23, 2009 7:18 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Negative Trooper Encounter
Replies: 103
Views: 16719

Re: Negative Trooper Encounter

So your computers are not connected to any other databases or the internet? You don't coordinate any information in any way with the FBI, etc?

Just playing devil's advocate here. Heck, there are programs which can record every keystroke made on a computer. There could be hidden programs running recording numbers even if you aren't actively doing it yourself.

Not a tin foil hat wearer, or a crazy conspiracy nut, just saying that in this day and age, with all the technology out there, we have a lot to be concerned about when it comes to who's got the serial numbers and types of guns we have on record. I view it a lot like a social security number. I'm not a big fan of giving it out when I don't know where its going.

1% of CHL stops or 1% of total stops?
by 74novaman
Tue Jun 23, 2009 7:10 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Negative Trooper Encounter
Replies: 103
Views: 16719

Re: Negative Trooper Encounter

I don't think anyone here is in the habit of demeaning police officers or the job they do.

But lets look at it another way. You, as a cop, are just told to check for stolen guns routinely when you stop a CHL. You report serial numbers of guns in these stops to check they're not stolen.

Can you, as the cop on the street, not sitting in front of the computer, say with 100% certainty a database is not being created by your reports?

That is what worries us.
by 74novaman
Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:32 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Negative Trooper Encounter
Replies: 103
Views: 16719

Re: Negative Trooper Encounter

AEA wrote:Thanks but that is already covered here: ... 23&t=25751" onclick=";return false;

What we are talking about in this thread is TXDPS "running" serial numbers of guns found while on traffic stops. They are creating a database of owners & serial numbers as far as I am concerned. Similar to what ATF is doing but a little bit different in that even if you are a legal CHL holder they are apparently getting the serial number of your weapon during the stop.

This is something new for them and needs to be investigated. Who authorized this change in policy? What is the purpose other than to create a database of weapons owned by individuals in the State of Texas?

The usual line (of other States that have always done this) is: "we need to check if it is stolen".........That does not cut it with me. There is no National Stolen Gun Database and not even a Statewide Stolen Gun Database. So, what Database do you think they are "checking" against? NONE is the answer, they are in the process of creating one. And it is not one of stolen guns! It is for future use to STEAL YOUR GUN! :mad5
This is definitely something we need to discuss more. :???:

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