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by 74novaman
Tue Mar 13, 2012 5:04 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Boy am I glad I found you guys.
Replies: 14
Views: 2128

Re: Boy am I glad I found you guys.

Eriksatx wrote:It is nice to know I am not the only going crazy waiting on my license. I was starting to think me checking 4+ times a day might be unusual.

I finished my class 2/25
Submitted my app online 2/26
Mailed my stuff off 2/27- they received it 2/28
I got my finger prints done the same day (2/28)

Today has been 2 week exactly and geez it feels like an eternity. I will just be happy to see some change in my status.
Welcome! I'm going to be bit of a :biggrinjester: and tell you to be happy with how little time its going to take you. For example when I applied for mine in 2009, this was my timeline:

Submitted paperwork 2/17/09
Confirmed deliver 2/18/09
Check Cashed 2/26/09
Pin Number 3/16/09
In hand 5/28/09

98 days total....I've been seeing some of the recent applications get license in hand in as short as 30 days.

So take comfort in the fact that even if it takes 60 days, you still got your over a month sooner than I got mine! "rlol"

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